Blog Post

Importance of ‘daigou’ in cracking the China market

By |2020-05-11T13:46:20+10:00August 6th, 2019|Blog Post, Chinese Customer Success|

A recent article on, The daigou channel — how a handful of Chinese shoppers turned into a billion-dollar industry, has highlighted this growing phenomenon in western countries such [...]

How a single photo turned a dying town’s fortunes around

By |2020-05-11T13:46:21+10:00July 30th, 2019|Blog Post, Chinese Customer Success|

Here’s a heartwarming – and revenue-raising – story for all those tourism and retail businesses that are doing it tough, and desperately looking for ways to boost cash flow. [...]

ACBC: It’s a long way to the top (if you don’t use a QR code to attract Chinese customers)

By |2020-05-11T13:46:21+10:00June 18th, 2019|Blog Post, Chinese Customer Success|

They say a picture tells a thousand words… so translated Chinese characters must at least be worth 1.4 billion (the current population of China). With Chinese tourism to Victoria [...]

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Chinese customer opportunities in the Geelong, Bellarine and Southern Coast regions

By |2020-05-11T13:46:21+10:00June 6th, 2019|Blog Post, Chinese Customer Success|

As a business growth expert with a strong focus on China, the most common question I’m asked by business owners is: how do I capitalise on the outstanding (and [...]

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QR codes to make Aussie beaches safer for Chinese tourists

By |2020-05-11T13:46:22+10:00June 6th, 2019|Blog Post, Chinese Customer Success|

Tragically, Victoria recorded 26 drowning deaths over the 2018/19 summer, only two deaths below the 1997/98 record of 28 drownings. This comes as record numbers of people flock [...]

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How to capture the Chinese tourist market

By |2020-05-11T13:46:22+10:00May 16th, 2019|Blog Post, Chinese Customer Success|

Many Australian businesses have not yet fully grasped the scope of the ‘golden dragon’ - the massive opportunities provided by Chinese visitors to Australia (both tourists and students). On [...]

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Scholarships for entrepreneurs and owners to visit China & explore opportunities

By |2020-05-11T13:46:22+10:00May 14th, 2019|Blog Post, Chinese Customer Success|

I’m excited to co-lead a group of 25 young entrepreneurs and innovators from Australia, the US and Canada in a tour of China that will provide invaluable expert mentoring, [...]

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By |2020-05-11T13:46:24+10:00April 27th, 2018|Blog Post|

中澳医疗与教育合作契机 5月31日 星期四 维多利亚州哈佛俱乐部和信永中和(澳大利亚)诚挚邀请您参加于5月31日星期四举办的午餐会,共同探讨澳大利亚与中国在健康与教育领域未来的合作契机。 中澳关系已经有了多个世纪的发展历程,中澳合作也在继续为两国人民提供着建立可持续发展双赢关系的机会。随着中国近20年来的迅速现代化和经济发展,教育和医疗等行业将在大数据,云计算和人工智能科技的影响下进行类似的转型。目前,教育,健康和医疗保健被中国人民放在首要发展的位置。 澳大利亚的基本卫生保健,专科医疗和健康教育系统处于世界一流水平。中澳自由贸易协定和中国的一带一路倡议也为中澳两国从贸易和文化交流提升到商业和旅游以外的领域。 本次演讲将以英文和普通话进行: 日期:2018年5月31日星期四 时间:中午12点到下午2点(午餐从下午12点30分开始,演讲从下午1点开始) 地点:信永中和(澳大利亚),墨尔本VIC 3000,Collins街530号,10楼 费用:HCV会员及其客人45澳币(请登录网站购买);非会员55澳币。点击这里预订 联系人:Mandy Croker 关于演讲者和赞助商: 李剛 医生 北京大学医学部博士; 哈佛大学硕士 李医生是中澳创新资本(ACI Partners)的合伙人,国际康复研究院院长,曼哈顿(北京)医院管理顾问有限公司董事。他曾就读于北京大学骨科学博士课程,并在哈佛医学院骨科学系完成了他的脊柱外科学fellowship。他担任移动医疗公司顾问,负责公司与医院之间合作关系的合作;他是中欧国际工商学院校友会远程医疗集团的成员,也是中国卫生管理部门移动医疗小组的积极参与者。他曾任强生医疗公司战略市场部总监。他是哈佛医学院中国学者和科学家协会(CSSA-HMS)的共同创始人之一,并担任总裁。李医生现任哈佛北京校友会理事,哈佛维多利亚校友会成员,北京市海外高层次人才协会青年委员会副会长,同时也是中国益桥基金会的顾问。 比尔·朗(Bill Lang)先生 墨尔本大学荣誉学位;哈佛商学院工商管理硕士; 富布莱特学者 比尔郎先生是Human Performance集团和Institute of [...]

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China-Australia Medical and Educational Co-operation Opportunities

By |2020-05-11T13:46:24+10:00April 27th, 2018|Blog Post|

Health and Education Opportunities to Strengthen the China-Australia Relationship The Harvard Club of Victoria and ShineWing Australia cordially invite you to a lunch presentation on Thursday the 31st of [...]

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